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Steven Tolton

Have I mentioned lately how awesome NSScreencast is? No? Worth the subscription. Check it out if you’re an iOS developer. Or even if you’re not and you want an example of how to do coding screencasts well.

Foster Bass

Got tired of dead-end googling so I checked to see if @NSScreencast had covered what I was looking for. Of course he had, 4 years ago. Should have checked there first.

Aijaz Ansari

One 13-minute episode of @NSScreencast just paid for the yearly subscription fee in amount of time saved. Do it.

Sam Soffes

Seriously great stuff even for seasoned developers. I’ve learned a good amount from Ben’s videos.

James Dempsey

You can really expand your development horizons in just a few minutes a week with NSScreencast.

Alexis Gallagher

Random PSA for iOS developers: @NSScreencast is a great resource, and worth every penny. It’s high quality, practical, and honest.

Nate Armstrong

Can’t say enough good things about @NSScreencast There is gold in the Road Trip DJ Series.

Karl Oscar Weber

I just reuppped my subscription to @NSScreencast. [An] indespensible resource if you’re into iOS or Mac Development.

Marcus Ziadé

Just finished @NSScreencast series on Modern CollectionViews. Strongly recommended. Programmatic UI, nicely structured code, easily approachable explanation style. 👌

Showing episodes 505 - 528 of 573 in total
  • NSFetchedResultsController


    In this episode we take a look at how to correctly detect & respond to underlying changes in an NSManagedObjectContext and insert, update, move, and remove UITableView rows with the proper animations.

  • Xcode Project Templates


    In this episode we dive into the undocumented world of Xcode project templates. By studying the existing templates, we can learn how to make our own templates that better match our style or needs.

  • Map Overlays


    In this episode we take the shape file data we parsed in episode 66 and use it to draw outlines around US States. We do this using the MKPolygon overlay in combination with MKPolygonView, which allows us to fill & stroke the provided vertices.

  • Processing Shape Files


    In this episode I cover how to parse ESRI Shapefiles and their DBF attribute counterparts, in order to get a list of vertices of US State boundaries. This episode covers interacting with a C library (shapelib). The data extracted will be useful in the next episode.

  • Alcatraz Package Manager


    In this short episode I quickly cover the Alcatraz Package Manager for Xcode, which allows you to easily install many user contributed plugins and color shemes in Xcode.

  • MapKit Annotations


    In this episode I continue our WhatsAround sample from Episode 63. Using the Foursquare API, we fetch coffee shops near the user's location and display a pin on the map for each using the MKAnnotation protocol.

  • From Scratch


    In this episode I go over how I typically start new projects. I start off when an empty app template, do a bit of organization with groups to keep things tidy, introduce CocoaPods and a workspace, and wrap it up by setting up a map view controller using Storyboards on both the iPhone and the iPad. This project will be handy to use as a base for future episodes.

  • Mailing Logs


    In this episode we continue with our example from last week's logging episode, and discuss how you can retrieve your logs out in the field. We use a pod called SSZipArchive to zip up the files as well as MFMailComposeViewController to enable testers to send us detailed logs of what is happening in the app.

  • Cocoa Lumberjack


    In this episode we take a look at a fast & flexible alternative logging framework for iOS called Cocoa Lumberjack. We take a look at the various loggers that are available and how to write logs to a file.

  • Windows Azure Mobile Services Part 2


    We continue with our example chat application here and add the ability post a message, poll for updates, and receive push notifications. This episode utilizes a pod calles MessagesTableView controller to present an SMS like interface for the messages.

  • Windows Azure Mobile Services


    This week we take a look at Windows Azure Mobile Services, a back-end for mobile applications that has first class iOS support. In this episode we begin building a full featured chat application. This is part 1 of 2, in which we set up a new mobile service, wire up the SDK with CocoaPods, set up Twitter authentication and enrich the data using Javascript on the server. This episode has been sponsored by Microsoft.

  • Container View Controllers


    In this episode I create a container view controller using the UIViewController containment APIs. The container view controller mimicks a style where the starting view controller fades into the background instead of sliding to the left.

  • Facebook Integration


    In this episode we build on our Social App from episode 56 and add Facebook support. We cover setting up an Facebook application and the requisite permissions required to authenticate & fetch a user's friend list, all using the Social Framework in iOS 6.

  • Twitter Integration


    In this episode we implement the Social framework in order to integrate with Twitter. Using the provided framework, we issue an authenticated API call to get a list of Twitter followers for a given account, as well as compose a tweet with the new SLComposeViewController.

  • Versioning


    In this app I cover iOS application versioning. I cover what the purpose of CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString are, how to set them, and how to use agvtool to automatically increment build numbers for any distributed build.

  • Pony Debugger


    In this episode we take a look at Pony Debugger, a fantastic little tool by the fine folks at Square, to inspect HTTP traffic and dive into our Core Data model all via a Chrome inspector pane in the browser.

  • RestKit - Object Manager


    This episode covers some additional pieces of RestKit, abstracting network requests even further by providing a route & mapping for a given object and utilizing RKObjectManager to perform the work for us. Instead of using a live API, we verify the behavior using SenTestingKit.

  • RestKit - CoreData


    In this episode we continue on our exploration of RestKit, this time with a focus on CoreData. It turns out to be fairly easy to change our existing code to support saving the responses into NSManagedObject classes in a database.

  • Intro to RestKit: Mapping


    RestKit is a framework that aims to simplify the "plumbing" of your application to allow you to focus on your core features. In this screencast, I focus on fetching JSON from an API and mapping it onto our own objects using RestKit's mapping features.

  • Custom Cells


    In this episode we design a custom table view cell including a designing custom repeatable background & highlight images in Photoshop, dynamically layout out the labels, as well as observing a tricky problem regarding cell animations. We also take a look at how to profile the graphics performance (FPS) using Instruments.

  • Slide Out Menus


    In this episode I cover a few of the available 3rd party libraries for implementing a slide to reveal menu, similar to what you see in the Facebook application.

  • Code Snippets


    In this episode we examine Xcode's code snippets feature and how it can speed up your day to day development. We also take a look at a handy gem for easily installing code snippets you've found online.

  • Gesture Recognizers


    Detecting touches used to be a chore. Thanks to the UIGestureRecognizer family of classes, detecting touches & gestures is a breeze. In this episode we implement a Photo Table where you can add photos, move them around, as well as pinch & rotate.

  • Fun with UICollectionView


    In this episode we dive into UICollectionView for displaying ... collections of views. We start by looking at how to tweak the builtin UICollectionViewFlowLayout as well as extending to create an interesting custom variation.