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Steven Tolton

Have I mentioned lately how awesome NSScreencast is? No? Worth the subscription. Check it out if you’re an iOS developer. Or even if you’re not and you want an example of how to do coding screencasts well.

Foster Bass

Got tired of dead-end googling so I checked to see if @NSScreencast had covered what I was looking for. Of course he had, 4 years ago. Should have checked there first.

Aijaz Ansari

One 13-minute episode of @NSScreencast just paid for the yearly subscription fee in amount of time saved. Do it.

Sam Soffes

Seriously great stuff even for seasoned developers. I’ve learned a good amount from Ben’s videos.

James Dempsey

You can really expand your development horizons in just a few minutes a week with NSScreencast.

Alexis Gallagher

Random PSA for iOS developers: @NSScreencast is a great resource, and worth every penny. It’s high quality, practical, and honest.

Nate Armstrong

Can’t say enough good things about @NSScreencast There is gold in the Road Trip DJ Series.

Karl Oscar Weber

I just reuppped my subscription to @NSScreencast. [An] indespensible resource if you’re into iOS or Mac Development.

Marcus Ziadé

Just finished @NSScreencast series on Modern CollectionViews. Strongly recommended. Programmatic UI, nicely structured code, easily approachable explanation style. 👌

Showing episodes 337 - 360 of 574 in total
  • Core Data in iOS 10


    iOS 10 brings some welcome improvements to Core Data, including the all new NSPersistentContainer class. With this release, Apple has created a streamlined API that captures the most common uses of Core Data in iOS applications. In this episode we'll take a look at NSPersistentContainer, as well as the new code-generation capability in Xcode 8.

  • Swift 3


    Swift 3 is now out and contains a host of new features and syntax changes. In this episode we'll look at a few of the more common changes you'll run into when upgrade projects to Swift 3 including implicit method argument labels, dropping the NS prefix on a bunch of classes, and the new Swift API naming guidelines.

  • Creating Sticker Pack Applications


    Now that iOS 10 is out, we can now create sticker packs to use in iMessage. In this episode we'll create a sticker pack using some artwork made by Jory Raphael, the very same designer who makes the lovely artwork you see on each episode. This particular sticker pack will be available soon in the App Store!

  • Working with the Pasteboard


    In this episode we take a look at UIPasteboard, allowing us to inspect, copy, and paste content on the system pasteboard as well as your own custom pasteboards. We'll also look at adding multiple representations of the same item to be a better OS citizen, for instance by copying rich text alongside plain text.

  • Universal Links


    Universal Links is a great feature that allows us to render content in an app when a user hits a known URL, instead of opening Safari. For content-based applications, this can be especially useful, as often records that exist on the web also exist in the app. We'll leverage our work from Episode 231 on Shared Web Credentials and extend the demo app to take advantage of Universal Links.

  • SnapKit


    Writing Autolayout constraints from code can be quite tedious. SnapKit, the Swift-friendly successor to Masonry, is a friendly DSL that allows creating and updating constraints easy and readable. In this episode we use SnapKit to build out a simple interface mockup using Autolayout completely in code.

  • Calculating Spring Velocity


    UIView has an incredibly useful spring-based animation API, but it can be difficult to know what to use for the damping and initial spring velocity parameters. In this episode, we'll break down how to compute the velocity value using the values we get from our UIPanGestureRecognizer and a little math.

  • Shared Web Credentials


    In this episode we implement shared web credentials with a server, allowing users to automatically enter credentials in our app if they've already done so in Safari. We cover building a Sinatra app for our server, deployment to Heroku for free SSL and a unique domain, and adding the appropriate entitlements to our app.

  • Interview with David Smith


    In this episode we have a special guest: "Underscore" David Smith, the creator of Activity++! In this episode we chat about the implementation details of Activity++, and how it differs from the one we've been building.

  • Let's Build Activity++ - Part 7


    Let's Build Activity++!

    We build our activity streak detection algorithm, testing it along the way with Quick and Nimble.

  • Let's Build Activity++ - Part 6


    Let's Build Activity++!

    In this episode we allow for generating health data for use in the iOS simulator, where HealthKit data will not be available. We then create some known streaks to make the streak detection and UI decoration easier to test. We end the episode by setting up Quick and Nimble that we will use to test our streak generation algorithm.

  • Let's Build Activity++ - Part 5


    Let's Build Activity++!

    Continuing our series on building out our Activity++ clone, this time we hook up our application to HealthKit, displaying real data in the app from a device. We continue to use our wrapper type so that the application can still work in the simulator with randomized data, which also allows us to set up certain scenarios that we wish to test, such as streaks.

  • Let's Build Activity++ - Part 4


    Let's Build Activity++!

    In this episode we examine the scrolling performance of our activity ring views. We see that framerate suffers when scrolling quickly, then apply a few changes to bring scrolling performance back to 60 frames per second.

  • Let's Build Activity++ - Part 3


    Let's Build Activity++!

    This week we take our ring views and use them to create a collection view of rings, one for each day in an entire year.

  • Let's Build Activity++ - Part 2


    Let's Build Activity++!

    Continuing in our quest to create the interface behind Activity++, this time we introduce a randomize button, proper theme colors, labels for the rings, and highlighting when the goal for each ring has been met.

  • Let‘s Build Activity++!


    Let's Build Activity++!

    Let‘s attempt to recreate Activity++, an application by _David Smith. The app features a number of interesting interface elements that would be interesting to try to build ourselves! In this part we'll start out by replicating the ring views for a given day.

  • Easy Auth - Part 3


    In this episode we wrap up the Easy Auth series building the tvOS application to use our API. We'll create an authentication client and discuss how to pass around a set of values to and from the API, as well as polling for status.

  • Easy Auth - Part 2


    This time we take a look at how to improve security by not transmitting the user's auth token directly. Instead, we'll leverage HMAC SHA1 hashing with the provided client id. Doing this makes the response not directly useful. The client needs to use the client id and the agreed upon hashing algorithm to arrive at the common auth token.

  • Easy Auth - Part 1


    Typing a username and password on the Apple TV is cumbersome and annoying. For the NSScreencast TV app, I decided to implement a code-based authentication where you can easily log in on another device, type in the code, and have the device be logged in automatically. In this episode we'll go over how to implement this, starting with the server. This episode is done entirely in Ruby using the Sinatra web application framework, but the technique is applicable to any server side technology (including Swift!).

  • NSCalendar


    NSCalendar is a class that is easy to dismiss as standard, but is packed full of really useful functions. In this episode I talk about how I solved a problem using NSDateComponents, then came back and solved it in a much cleaner way using new methods on NSCalendar.

  • Core Data with Swift


    In this episode we continue our work on the Apple TV app for NSScreencast by adding a local cache of data we receive from the API. Doing so will allow us to have content immediately on launch without waiting for the network, and will also support client-side searching and filtering. Here we talk about how to set up Core Data with Swift and write a few quick tests using an in-memory store to verify that things are working.

  • Text Attachments


    In this episode Sam shows us how to mix rich content such as images into a text view. Using Text attachments we can flow text around an image, select the image and delete or replace it, and more. Sam shows how to respond to layout changes and some advice on performance. Text Attachments are not for the faint of heart!

  • Swift Web Frameworks


    Running Swift on Linux is intriguing because it allows us to create web applications with Swift and host them on an inexpensive Linux VPS. In this episode we'll use Vagrant to create an Ubuntu virtual machine, install a working version of the Swift development snapshot, and write a tiny web application, complete with routing, parameter extraction, template rendering with Stencil, and JSON parsing. You'll learn about Swift Build, specifying version dependencies, and where to look for the source code.

  • Custom Dragging with UICollectionView


    In this episode we add a custom drag behavior to reorder collection view cells. UICollectionViewController gives us some of this behavior, but to add transforms, shadows, and animation we'll have to implement our own.