Episode #382

New Project Setup & Theming

Series: Making a Podcast App From Scratch

14 minutes
Published on March 20, 2019

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We start from a blank project template, then add our first storyboard and tab bar controller. We also introduce a mechanism for skinning the app with a Theme type.

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    struct Theme {
        static func apply(to window: UIWindow) {
            window.tintColor = Colors.purple

            UIView.appearance().backgroundColor = Colors.gray4

            let tabBar = UITabBar.appearance()
            tabBar.barTintColor = Colors.gray3

            let navBar = UINavigationBar.appearance()
            navBar.barTintColor = Colors.gray3
            navBar.titleTextAttributes = [
                NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor : Colors.gray0

        struct Colors {
            static var gray0 = UIColor(hue:0.00, saturation:0.00, brightness:0.85, alpha:1.00)
            static var gray1 = UIColor(hue:0.67, saturation:0.03, brightness:0.58, alpha:1.00)
            static var gray2 = UIColor(hue:0.67, saturation:0.08, brightness:0.33, alpha:1.00)
            static var gray3 = UIColor(hue:0.00, saturation:0.00, brightness:0.15, alpha:1.00)
            static var gray4 = UIColor(hue:0.00, saturation:0.00, brightness:0.11, alpha:1.00)
            static var gray5 = UIColor(hue:0.75, saturation:0.10, brightness:0.08, alpha:1.00)

            static var purple = UIColor(hue:0.73, saturation:0.78, brightness:0.98, alpha:1.00)
            static var purpleLight = UIColor(hue:0.70, saturation:0.28, brightness:0.71, alpha:1.00)

Applying the Theme

Theme.apply(to: window!)

This episode uses Swift 4.2, Xcode 10.1.