Series: Build a Vapor Backend

Build a Vapor Backend

A while back I covered building a web application with Vapor 3. Since then a lot has changed in Swift and Vapor. Vapor now fully supports async await and has full sendable conformance. In this series we’ll explore building a Vapor application that is a backend for an app that manages songs and set lists for cover bands. This will offer us a chance to build with the new async/await style as well as explore how to use Fluent and Postgresql to persist and query our data.

Length: 42 minutes


1. Building a Docker Image for Vapor and Postgres

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Docker is a common choice for running services locally for development as well as server deployment. Vapor comes by default with a working Docker setup, so in this video we will explore how this all works. We'll also explore how to configure the database with Environment variables.

2. Understanding Fluent Migrations

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In order to evolve a persistent store over time you have to migrate the data. Fluent, the Vapor Framework that offers ORM support for popular databases, has a solution for this. In this episode we will understand how to write migrations, how to revert them and how to evolve your schema over time without losing data.