Episode #320

Fastlane Boarding

7 minutes
Published on January 19, 2018

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Managing external beta users can be a bit of a chore, as you have to log into iTunes Connect and add them one by one (or a batch if you have them collected already). If you’re opening your beta to a wider audience, you can save a lot of time by automating it. In this episode we will use Fastlane Boarding to automate adding testers to Testflight.

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Cloning Fastlane Boarding

We'll start by cloning the repo locally:

$ git clone https://github.com/fastlane/boarding

Create Heroku App

Then we will create a new Heroku application:

$ heroku create your-heroku-application-name 

Veryify Heroku remote

This will create a new git remote. You can see this by typing:

$ git remote -v

Required Heroku Configurations

We need to tell Heroku about our configuration variables, so Boarding can display our app and connect to our iTunes Connect account.

$ heroku config:set ITC_APP_ID=com.yourvariable
$ heroku config:set ITC_USER=testuser@example.com

Optional Heroku Configurations

Boarding provides some addition options, if you need them.

$ heroku config:set ITC_TOKEN=exampletoken
$ heroku config:set ITC_CLOSED_TEXT="testing signups are closed"

Deploy to Heroku

When you're ready, deploy the app to Heroku to see it live!

$ git push heroku master