Episode #192


14 minutes
Published on October 8, 2015

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Supporting Handoff in your iOS / Mac applications can really delight users. In this episode we will build handoff support into an application so that users can continue their task on the web, or in a separate Mac application that is registered to handle that task.

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Info.Plist Settings


These need to be registered on applications that can handle those activities. It is not necessary for the producing application to also declare these, but if you want bi-directional handoff, then you would add this to both applications.

Registering a user activity

let activity = NSUserActivity(activityType: "com.nsscreencast.videoplay")
activity.title = "Watch episode 187"
activity.userInfo = [
    "foo": "bar"
activity.webpageURL = NSURL(string: "https://www.nsscreencast.com/episodes/187")!
activity.delegate = self

playerVC.userActivity = activity

Updating user info for a user activity

First we need to tell the activity that it needs to save...

        let interval = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1, 1)
        player.addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval(interval, queue: nil) { time in
            print("Time: \(CMTimeGetSeconds(time))")
            if let activity = playerVC.userActivity {
                activity.needsSave = true

Then we can get notified just before the save actually happens, to update the userInfo with our current state:

    func userActivityWillSave(userActivity: NSUserActivity) {

        if let time = playerVC?.player?.currentTime() {
            let seconds = Int(CMTimeGetSeconds(time))
                "startTime": "\(seconds)"

Handling App Activation via Handoff

  func application(application: NSApplication, willContinueUserActivityWithType userActivityType: String) -&gt; Bool {
        print("willContinueUserActivityWithType: \(userActivityType)")
        return true

    func application(application: NSApplication, didFailToContinueUserActivityWithType userActivityType: String, error: NSError) {
        print("didFailToContinueUserActivity: \(error)")

    func application(application: NSApplication, continueUserActivity userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: ([AnyObject]) -&gt; Void) -&gt; Bool {
        print("Continue activity: \(userActivity.userInfo)")
        return true