In this episode we talk about a Swift testing framework called Quick. Quick offers a familiar BDD style syntax, some really friendly matchers, as well as support for testing asynchronous parts of our code. We'll use a Ninja class as our example, testing initialization, equality, and an asynchronous method.
Episode Links Source Code Quick Nimble xctool Ninja Class // Ninja.swift import Foundation public class Enemy { public var hitPoints = 100 public init() { } } public class Ninja { public var name: String public init(name: String) { = name } public func encounter(enemy: Enemy) { let ms = arc4random_uniform(100) let delta = UInt64(ms) * NSEC_PER_MSEC let time = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(delta)) dispatch_after(time, dispatch_get_main_queue()) { enemy.hitPoints -= 10 } } } extension Ninja : Equatable {} public func ==(lhs: Ninja, rhs: Ninja) -> Bool { return == } Ninja Spec // NinjaSpec.swift import Foundation import NinjaGame import Quick import Nimble class NinjaSpec : QuickSpec { override func spec() { var ninja = Ninja(name: "Sid") UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate?.window? describe("initialization") { it("initialized the name") { expect("Sid")) } } describe("equality") { var ninja2: Ninja! context("two ninjas with the same name") { beforeEach { ninja2 = Ninja(name: "Sid") } it("should be considered equal") { expect(ninja) == ninja2 } } context("two ninjas with different names") { beforeEach { ninja2 = Ninja(name: "Barry") } it("should not be considered equal") { expect(ninja) != ninja2 } } } describe("attacking") { it("should attack when the enemy least expects it") { let enemy = Enemy() ninja.encounter(enemy) expect(enemy.hitPoints).toEventually(beLessThan(100)) } } } }