In this episode we cover a horribly named, yet fairly powerful concept called flat map. We'll use this technique to solve the problem we discovered last time dealing with Result<T> and having to use a switch statement everywhere.
Episode Links Episode Source Code Rob Napier - Flattenin' Your Mappenin' - Excellent blog post (seriously, read it). It was the inspiration for this episode. Adding Map on Result enum Result<T> { case Success(Box<T>) case Error(String) func map<U>(transform: T -> U) -> Result<U> { switch self { case .Success(let value): return .Success(Box(transform(value.unbox))) case .Error(let error): return .Error(error) } } } Now we have an easy way to apply a result to another function, provided it accepts the T we're returning from the .Success case. The only problem here now is that we can end up with a Result<Result<T>> which doesn't sound like much fun to work with. We can solve this by flattening the value. Flattening Arrays It's easier to see this with an example of nested arrays: var customers = [ Customer(name: "Alice", emails: [""]), Customer(name: "Bob", emails: ["", ""]), Customer(name: "Charlie", emails: [""]) ] func flatten<T>(array: [[T]]) -> [T] { return array.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 } } extension Array { func flatMap<U>(transform: T -> [U]) -> [U] { return flatten( } } Applying this to Result looks like this: func flatten<T>(result: Result<Result<T>>) -> Result<T> { switch result { case .Success(let box): switch box.unbox { case .Success(let value): return .Success(value) case .Error(let error): return .Error(error) } case .Error(let error): return .Error(error) } } extension Result { func flatMap<U>(transform: T -> Result<U>) -> Result<U> { return flatten( } } You can see it looks very similar. Usage looks like this: func divide(x: Int, y: Int) -> Result<Float> { if y == 0 { return .Error("divide by zero") } else { return .Success(Box(Float(x) / Float(y))) } } func compute(input: Float) -> Result<Float> { if input < 0 { return .Error("negative") } return .Success(Box(log(input))) } switch divide(12, 2).flatMap(compute) { case .Success(let value): value.unbox case .Error(let error): error } A more complicated example and an operator If you read Rob's post, he does a good job justifying why an operator might be helpful for this particular function, but not to go overboard with operators. Here's his completed example: class Page { var content: String init(content: String) { self.content = content } } func asJSON(data: NSData) -> Result<AnyObject> { var error: NSError? if let json: AnyObject = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments, error: &error) { return .Success(Box(json)) } else { return .Error("couldn't parse as JSON: \(error)") } } func asJSONArray(any: AnyObject) -> Result<NSArray> { if let array = any as? NSArray { return .Success(Box(array)) } else { return .Error("wasn't an array") } } func secondElement(input: NSArray) -> Result<AnyObject> { if input.count >= 2 { return .Success(Box(input[1])) } else { return .Error("list only had \(input.count) elements") } } func asStringList(any: AnyObject) -> Result<[String]> { var list = [String]() if let array = any as? NSArray { for item in array { if let string = item as? String { list.append(string) } else { return .Error("Element \(item) was not a string") } } return .Success(Box(list)) } else { return .Error("element \(any) was not an array") } } func asPages(contents: [String]) -> Result<[Page]> { let pages = map(contents) { Page(content: $0) } return .Success(Box(pages)) } var json = "[ \"a\", [ \"page1\", \"page2\", \"page3\"] ]" var data: NSData = json.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)! infix operator >>== { associativity left } func >>==<T, U>(lhs: Result<T>, rhs: (T -> Result<U>)) -> Result<U> { return lhs.flatMap(rhs) } func pagesFromData(data: NSData) -> Result<[Page]> { // let pages = asJSON(data) // .flatMap(asJSONArray) // .flatMap(secondElement) // .flatMap(asStringList) // .flatMap(asPages) let pages = asJSON(data) >>== asJSONArray >>== secondElement >>== asStringList >>== asPages return pages } switch pagesFromData(data) { case .Success(let pages): pages.unbox case .Error(let error): error }