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Have I mentioned lately how awesome NSScreencast is? No? Worth the subscription. Check it out if you’re an iOS developer. Or even if you’re not and you want an example of how to do coding screencasts well.

Foster Bass

Got tired of dead-end googling so I checked to see if @NSScreencast had covered what I was looking for. Of course he had, 4 years ago. Should have checked there first.

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One 13-minute episode of @NSScreencast just paid for the yearly subscription fee in amount of time saved. Do it.

Sam Soffes

Seriously great stuff even for seasoned developers. I’ve learned a good amount from Ben’s videos.

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You can really expand your development horizons in just a few minutes a week with NSScreencast.

Alexis Gallagher

Random PSA for iOS developers: @NSScreencast is a great resource, and worth every penny. It’s high quality, practical, and honest.

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Can’t say enough good things about @NSScreencast There is gold in the Road Trip DJ Series.

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I just reuppped my subscription to @NSScreencast. [An] indespensible resource if you’re into iOS or Mac Development.

Marcus Ziadé

Just finished @NSScreencast series on Modern CollectionViews. Strongly recommended. Programmatic UI, nicely structured code, easily approachable explanation style. 👌

Showing episodes 73 - 96 of 575 in total
  • Xcode Project Generation with Xcodegen


    Modular Project Architecture

    One thing that can be a pain when splitting modules up into separate projects is maintaining the Xcode projects themselves. Not to mention the fact that as team sizes grow, merging changes in project files gets exponentially more painful. In this episode we will look at using Xcodegen to have a repeatable project generation that you can use to create consistent Xcode projects without much fuss.

  • Isolating Dependencies


    Modular Project Architecture

    Breaking your code into discrete modules will surface a problem if your code is tightly interconnected. Once you've defined your module boundaries you now are forced to not cause bidirectional dependencies. In this episode we will look at some strategies for breaking apart dependencies into abstractions first using protocols, then using protocol witnesses. We can then depend on those abstractions in our isolated module projects.

  • Nested Xcode Projects


    Modular Project Architecture

    One way of achieving modularization is to build frameworks using nested Xcode projects. This has the benefit of having everything in one place and can easily build the entire thing. You can also zero-in on a single project and just work from there if you want. Each sub-project can have its own tests, sample application, etc.

  • Motivation for Modular Project Architecture


    Modular Project Architecture

    In this episode we will talk about the overview and motivation for a modular project architecture. Why split things up? I'll talk about the problems we face, what benefits we may achieve, and how can we approach the problem.

  • Localizing Pluralized Phrases


    Localizing Your App

    Pluralization rules vary by language, so it's not as easy as just adding an "s". To properly handle these cases, we need to use a Stringsdict file and format our string using a special syntax.

  • Localizing Images


    Localizing Your App

    Sometimes you may find that you want to localize images specific to a locale. In this episode we'll make up a contrived example where we want to change our splash image from a pizza to sushi if the locale if Japanese. We can easily do this with Asset Catalogs and provide a more tailored experience.

  • Importing Translated Strings


    Localizing Your App

    Once we have our translated files back from our translators, we can now import them for use in our project. I'll show how do do this within Xcode and from the command line.

  • Exporting Strings for Translation


    Localizing Your App

    In this episode I will show two ways you can export all of the strings in your project. The first is using Xcode, but since this is a process you'll likely want to repeat, we'll also show how to do it via the command line so you can automate it. We'll then take the xliff files and send them off for translation using a translation service.

  • Preparing your project for localization


    Localizing Your App

    There's a bit of prep work we need to do to get our project ready to be localized. We'll start by defining which languages we want to support, localize any interface-based files like Storyboards, and then move on to localizing strings in code.

  • Localizing Dates and Times


    Localizing Your App

    Using DateFormatter we can format dates and times to whatever format we choose. However, in most cases we should rely instead on the builtin styles instead, which are locale aware. This way we can present dates and times that are consistent with the user's preferences.

  • Locales, Numbers, and Lists


    Localizing Your App

    Let's quickly review how to work with the Locale object. Then we can use various locales in conjunction with NumberFormatter and ListFormatter to have localized output provided for us.

  • Localization 101


    Localizing Your App

    In this episode we will define what Localization is and why you should localize your apps.

  • Xcode 13 Vim Mode


    One of my favorite new features of Xcode 13 is support for Vim key bindings. In this episode we will see how to enable this and I'll give a quick tour of how to get around using Vim.

  • Introducing the Swift Coding Library


    Codable Witnesses

    In this episode we introduce a new open source library called Swift Coding that takes all of these concepts and wraps it up into a Swift Package you can use in your own projects. We give a tour of what the library can do and how you can use it.

  • Deferred Context Menus


    Working with Context Menus

    Sometimes we need menus to be dynamic, or we need to fetch some data before being able to build out the menu items. In this episode we will see how to leverage UIDeferredMenuElement to fetch some data and build a dynamic menu.

  • Codable Witnesses for Decodable


    Codable Witnesses

    Last time we talked about the Encodable protocol. This time let's look at the Decodable protocol. We explore the general concept, then introduce zip and map as utilities to compose smaller decodings into larger ones.

  • Exploring Witnesses for Encodable


    Codable Witnesses

    We start exploring the concept of converting Encodable into an Encoding protocol witness. We discover how to clean up our code and make it fit in with `JSONEncoder`’s existing API. We then break down our example into smaller pieces and discuss how we can leverage pullback and functional composition to build bigger pieces out of smaller ones.

  • Intro to Protocol Witnesses


    Codable Witnesses

    In the next few episodes we will explore the concept of Protocol Witnesses. This is an advanced topic that can be somewhat hard to approach, but in learning about Protocol Witnesses you will see how we can leverage the Swift language and functional programming to do some really cool things.

  • Context Menu Previews


    Working with Context Menus

    Let's see how we can provide a custom view controller to preview when a context menu is opened. This is analogous to (and a replacement for) the Peek/Pop interaction for devices that supported 3D Touch.

  • Table View Menus


    Working with Context Menus

    Another common use of context menus is with table views and collection views. In this episode we will explore adding a menu to a table view cell that allows copying a font or toggling it from a favorites list.

  • Nested / Inline Menus


    Working with Context Menus

    In this episode we will see how to nest menus inside each other as well as dynamically choosing when to show a nested menus contents inline.

  • Basic Context Menus


    Working with Context Menus

    Context menus are a great affordance for performing related actions to a UI element. Users can tap and hold to view the context menu, and the gesture is consistent across the OS so users will likely already be familiar with it. In this episode we'll show how to set up a basic context menu with a custom preview with normal and destructive actions.

  • Mapping Models with Antoine van der Lee


    This is a discussion and code overview of another implementation of mapping models using key paths with a special guest, Antoine van der Lee! In this episode we talk about his initial goals and constraints, and some of the design tradeoffs he made while designing a solution that would give him a bidirectional mapping between Core Data entities and other model types.

  • Mapping Models with Keypaths


    Ever wanted to translate from one type to another, for instance mapping from network models to core data objects? In this episode we will explore how to leverage Swift Keypaths to create a mapping between models. Along the way we'll run into a limitation of key paths and then talk about how to work around it.